The What If…? Season 3 finale has finally arrived, marking the conclusion of the groundbreaking animated series that elevated Marvel Animation to new heights. By exploring uncharted territories, What If…? successfully expanded the Marvel Universe in unprecedented ways, despite a few missteps along the way.
The third season stood out in particular, as Uatu The Watcher faced the repercussions of his multiverse meddling. Can Captain Carter rescue him from the Eminence’s clutches? Dive into our review of the series finale to find out.
With the curtain now closed on What If…?, fans are left to ponder the lasting impact of this innovative series on the Marvel Multiverse.
Does Uatu Survive in the End?
What If…? Season 3 Episode 8 begins with a flashback involving the Watchers, and more particularly focuses on Uatu’s oath-taking ceremony. Unlike Uatu, the Eminence has complete faith in Uatu’s ability to follow the most important rule of all – do not intervene.
At present, the Watchers aren’t impressed with Uatu, which is a given, however, they continue to point out his worst mistake yet – Captain Carter.

The Eminence is ready to put an end to his prisoners, both Captain Carter and Uatu, but they have a team of allies, which also includes Infinity Ultron. For this series finale to make complete sense, one has to have prior knowledge of What If…? and if not that, at least Episode 7 which explains Infinity Ultron’s involvement and Captain Carter’s imprisonment.
Infinity Ultron is quick to perish, which comes as no surprise, but the others aren’t any match to the Watchers either as Captain Carter, Byrdie, Storm, Uatu, and Kahhori find themselves on an abandoned planet. Uatu sticks to his stance about intervention and soon believes that even without Infinity Ultron, they can beat the Watchers.

The ultimate showdown between the Uatu and his team versus the Watchers is one of the best parts of the season finale, and the climax lives up to the expectations that had been previously set.
What If…? Season 3 Episode 8 ends with a sacrifice but in true Marvel fashion, the good wins over the evil, and the Eminence and Uatu join hands, which is the last thing we would have expected to see in this series finale.
While this episode wasn’t our favorite, it has been the best season finale of all three seasons, and we’re truly sad this series has come to an end.

The series finale of What If…? was the perfect conclusion to a narrative dedicated to alternate realities and the multiverse. Alas, this is the end, but we’re glad Uatu made it out alive!