Netflix recently dropped an Italian romance movie, The Tearsmith, directed by Alessandro Genovesi, and despite an intriguing premise, the movie did not have a lot to offer. Admittedly, The Tearsmith had some wonderful casting, and it could have transcended to something meaningful and beautiful, however, it simply lacked direction.
The introduction of The Tearsmith will set your hopes high and just when you think things are about to get interesting, there’s a sudden drop. You might even find yourself clicking on Netflix’s 1.5x speed icon to get through the story a little faster.
While we noticed more cons and pros, there’s definitely an audience out there who could turn The Tearsmith into a cult classic. Nevertheless, here are our thoughts on Netflix’s latest Italian movie!
Unimpressive Storyline Barely Anchors The Tearsmith
The Tearsmith was essentially a story about two children who managed to get adopted from the orphanage and into a loving family. The orphanage, however, was more of a torture chamber for all the children, leaving terrifying scars behind.
Despite being adopted, Nica and Rigel are struggling to live in their new home, and together. There is also an undeniable chemistry between the two, which had been established as the main storyline.
This chemistry between Nica and Rigel is often showcased in the movie in a more sensual manner than one would have guessed, and despite the slow and steady pace, the scenes between the two characters were almost too jarring and would take one away from the story, which actually wasn’t all that bad.
The Tearsmith had a lot of potential and could have taken several different routes, but instead, it chose one of the simpler routes and still lost the plot at many points during the movie.
While the focus of The Tearsmith was on Nica and Rigel, there were several other characters introduced throughout the movie, some interesting too, however, their character arc and stories were simply left incomplete. It truly was much ado about nothing when it came to The Tearsmith and the execution to an otherwise interesting story.
There were also some flashback that showcased the torture and that gave some depth to story. While a lot of these opinions might feel contrasting, that really is the best way to go about talking about The Tearsmith. It wasn’t a bad movie, but there was also not much good about it.
The Tearsmith is not everyone’s cup of tea, and it certainly wasn’t ours, however, this movie was aimed directly at the young adults who want to watch an easy and emotional romance between two star-crossed lovers. So, if you’re that part of the audience, The Tearsmith belongs on your watchlist, otherwise, we would recommend skipping it!