Indonesian films and series have made a notable presence on Netflix, particularly in 2024, with several titles being released. The latest addition to this impressive lineup is Timo Tjahjanto’s newest movie, The Shadow Strays. Tjahjanto, known for directing action-packed films like The Night Comes for Us, May the Devil Take You, and The Big 4, promises to deliver more thrilling action in his latest project.
With a runtime of 145 minutes, The Shadow Strays may seem like a lot at first glance. Nevertheless, buckle up for an intense experience, as the film’s action-packed plot navigates twists and turns, albeit, not always effortlessly. More of this will be explored in our review, so make sure you stick around!
Total Destruction and Bloodshed in Timo Tjahjanto’s Latest Work
You have to thoroughly enjoy action to be able to stomach the first 15 minutes of The Shadow Strays. We have seen plenty of bloody opening scenes in movies, and while several have made us flinch, this particular move takes it up a few notches.

There’s blood, swords, guns, and decapitated body parts, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. So, if this kind of action isn’t your cup of tea, we wouldn’t recommend sticking around for the rest of the movie. But Timo Tjahjanto stays true to his style of filmmaking, and we have to give credit where it is due!
Female assassins in this movie are the highlight, to begin with at least, especially when one of them is unmasked during a killing spree, and one of the men being chased and killed realizes it is a woman.
It is a savage and fierce moment, where we are also introduced to number 13, one of the Shadows, played by Aurora Ribero. She is currently in training and has failed because she was briefly compromised.

The movie begins after 13 is grounded, and we follow her on a new journey, one where she befriends a young boy, Monji, which eventually becomes her purpose of sorts.
Until then, 13 is taking the pills given to her and waiting for further instructions, growing impatient as the days go by. There are several flinch-worthy moments, most involving 13, and if you’ve been looking for your next watch with a strong female lead, you have found it.
The Shadow Strays also pays attention to production design and cinematography in a movie that heavily relies on action and the narrative, but we have to admit, some frames of this movie deserve accolades of their own.
It is well put together despite the overpowering, electrifying, and gruesome scenes that can often be overwhelming.

It is evident that The Shadow Strays was created by Timo Tjahjanto, and while this movie is a heavy watch, every minute bringing slaughter, massacre, innovative killing methods, and whatnot, it remains exceptional in its own ways. This movie isn’t a breeze, and we would recommend giving yourself an interval somewhere in the middle!
13’s journey deserves a stream, but only if you can stomach the level of action and carnage that is presented in The Shadow Strays. We needed multiple pauses to be able to finish this movie, and would love to know in the comments if you did too!