Netflix’s K-drama, The Atypical Family, revolves around the Bok family who once had superpowers but lost them after a tragic incident. This series is slowly and steadily nearing its end and has focused primarily on Bok Gwi-ju, and Do Da-hae, a young woman who appears to have changed the fate of the Bok family. However, things were a lot more complicated than it seemed.

Over the series’ previous episodes, there have been several twists and turns, along with unanswered questions that are finally coming together as we get closer to the end of The Atypical Family. But what’s next in store for Gwi-ju and Da-hae after their complex dynamic? In this review, we will talk a little more about The Atypical Family Episode 9, and there will be spoilers ahead!

An Important Episode for the Bok Family

When it comes to The Atypical Family, the focus has remained heavily on the growing romance and compatibility between Do Da-hae and Bok Gwi-ju. While Episode 9 does see this pair together, the focus isn’t on just them. Instead, we finally see Gwi-ju bond with his daughter I-na, who has spent a long time avoiding her father whilst also facing hardships at school, with next to no one to talk to.

Much like a few other episodes, The Atypical Family Episode 9 also begins with Mrs. Bok waking up from a dream, but only this time, Gwi-ju is around and tells her the truth about the Bok family ring, and how he was the one who gave one of the two rings to Da-hae after he saved her from a fire thirteen years ago. Now, this might seem confusing if you haven’t watched the previous episodes, and we highly recommend doing so before you proceed!

An Important Episode for the Bok Family
Credit: Netflix

This episode also shows that Da-hae’s mother means business when it comes to tearing the Bok family apart and it starts with Mr. and Mrs. Bok, the former having to leave the house after a devasting fight when Mrs. Bok receives pictures of her husband with another woman at the bar, which also involves a stolen lottery ticket.

Undoubtedly, there’s a lot going on in The Atypical Family Episode 9, but the key element of this episode is when I-na goes missing after being bullied at school, and it is only then that Gwi-ju realizes that he needs to understand his daughter better before it’s too late.

After Gwi-ju and Da-hae find I-na, there’s an extremely emotional scene between the father and daughter, which is undeniably crucial to the series and the emotions it has tried to evoke in the viewers.

The Atypical Family Episode 9 Review
Credit: Netflix

The episode ends with a confession from Gwi-ju to Da-hae, where he admits that he has indeed fallen in love with her and will do whatever it takes to save her. As the two share a kiss, on the other side, Mrs. Bok has a dream about Gwi-ju dying, and the episode ends on this cliffhanger!

The Atypical Family Episode 9
Credit: Netflix


The Atypical Family is nearing the end and there are still some subplots that need to be tied up. Hopefully, we will see more of that in the coming episodes, so make sure you keep a lookout for our review of the same!

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