“School Spirits” follows a teenage girl named Maddie as she solves her own disappearance’s mystery and navigates the afterlife. After adjusting to an unsettling school setting, Maddie sets off on a detective adventure, driven to discover the truth about what really happened to her.  

Maddie’s journey in the afterlife is a search for justice as well as a means of coming to terms with the intricacies of her own life and death as she digs deeper into her research and learns disturbing truths about those in her past and around her.

If you loved the first season as much as we did, we’re sure you’re wondering if we’re getting another season any time soon. So, let’s find out everything we know about “School Spirits” season 2.

What Happened In The Previous Season Of School Spirits?

In the climactic moments of Season 1 of “School Spirits”, the afterlife support squad stumbled upon a chilling collection of mementoes linked to everyone’s deaths, meticulously researched by Mr. Martin himself.

His actions have dark undertones that create uncomfortable concerns about his motivations and raise the possibility of a secret goal. 

What Happened In The Previous Season Of School Spirits?
Credits: Paramount+

The pivotal reveal that Maddie didn’t die but was forcibly separated from her body marks a turning point in the series. Janet carries on with her life while Maddie is stuck in the afterlife, implying that there may be unsolved issues and possible conflicts in later seasons.

For Maddie, the aftermath of these revelations is emotionally tumultuous, especially in her strained relationship with Simon. His belief that the Maddie he interacts with is a mere hallucination adds a poignant layer of tragedy, emphasizing the profound impact of the series’ twists on their connection. 

Are We Getting Another Season?

Yes, Paramount+ has officially announced that Season 2 of “School Spirits” will premiere in fall 2024, much earlier than expected. The studio’s press portal confirmed the news, highlighting a significant cliffhanger from the previous season that will set the stage for the upcoming episodes. 

Are We Getting Another Season?
Credits: Paramount+

Fans can anticipate the continuation of Maddie’s afterlife journey and the unravelling mysteries surrounding her disappearance. As for the exact dates, stay tuned because we will be updating this article as soon as we get more information regarding the second season of “School Spirits”. 

What To Expect From It?

In the upcoming Season 2 of “School Spirits,” the central focus shifts dramatically from Maddie’s crime-solving adventures in the afterlife to a gripping struggle for control over her own body. Much of the suspense in the story will likely come from the unsolved struggle between Maddie and Janet, who is currently taking on Maddie’s physical shape. 

What To Expect From It?
Credits: Paramount+

In addition, Season 2 might explore more of Janet’s past and the events that led to her obtaining Maddie’s body. There is much to be discovered about Janet’s mysterious presence in Season 1, which is only hinted at by clues and assumptions.

By revealing her past in flashbacks or special episodes, Janet’s character may be enhanced and her role as a fierce opponent in the show could be better understood.

As the storyline unfolds, viewers may also uncover more about the origins and transformations of other key characters in “School Spirits.” Exploring their pasts could illuminate how they became intertwined with the supernatural elements of the afterlife school. 


“School Spirits” Season 2 promises an intense continuation of Maddie’s journey in the afterlife, shifting focus to a gripping struggle for control over her own body against Janet’s supernatural possession.

With Paramount+ confirming a fall 2024 premiere, fans can expect the unravelling of lingering mysteries and deeper explorations into characters’ pasts, potentially shedding light on their motivations and connections to the eerie afterlife school!

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