Malaysian comedy legend Ronny Cheing returns to Netflix with a brand-new comedy special, and fans have been eagerly awaiting his comeback. 2024 has been a banner year for Netflix comedy specials, featuring Ellen DeGeneres’s final bow and Sabrina Carpenter’s special debut, making Cheing’s latest offering a highly anticipated treat.

Cheing never disappoints, especially not when it comes to comedy so the bar has been set relatively high for his latest special – Ronny Chieng: Love to Hate It. In this review, we will explore some highlights of this special and by the end, you can decide whether you want to stream it or skip it.

A Laugh-Out-Loud Special

Netflix’s comedy specials are getting more creative with the intros as time passes and the same can be said about Ronny Chieng: Love to Hate It. After a brief clip, Cheing walks in with a garland around his neck, high-fiving the audience before he puts the garland on the mic as he welcomes his audience in Hawaii.

A Laugh-Out-Loud Special
Credit: Netflix

Right off the bat, Chieng talks about his age – 38, which is also the year he is harvesting his wife’s eggs. The comedian is off to a strong start with his audience who know that there will be no filter in this stand-up special and that’s perfectly on brand for Chieng. And of course, we love it too!

Chieng goes on to take a dig at people his age who have kids and how miserable they look (enough to ruin his Instagram grid) before he hilariously details how he has to inject his wife twice a week in hopes that they can have children after they’ve given up on their hopes and dreams – his words, not ours. Chieng is funny and charming from start to finish, with barely a low moment in this special.

Ronny Chieng: Love to Hate It
Credit: Netflix

Chieng has several amazing punchlines in his roster during this comedy special on Netflix and each of them hits the right spot with the live audience, and we have no doubt that’ll be the case with the viewers watching him at home too.

Chieng might not be the most relatable comedian out there, but his specials always feel inclusive, it’s almost like having a great chat with a hilarious friend.

Netflix has a large variety of comedy specials, several of which were released in 2024, and Chieng’s makes this roster brighter, especially for fans of his existing work. If you’re looking for your next laugh-out-loud special, we would recommend streaming Ronny Chieng: Love to Hate It.

Credit: Netflix


Ronny Chieng: Love to Hate It is an early Christmas treat for all fans of stand-up comedy and we would love to know in the comments below what you thought about this special!

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