Directed by Chris Smith (American Movie, Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond), the captivating documentary Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants To Live Forever brings Bryan Johnson’s extraordinary story to Netflix, and we’re here to help you figure out whether this title deserves a spot on your watchlist.

This thought-provoking film is a fascinating way for Netflix to kick off 2025, and Johnson’s quest for eternal life has certainly piqued our interest. With its unique blend of science, philosophy, and human drama, Don’t Die is sure to spark important conversations.

Bryan Johnson’s Project Blueprint

Bryan Johnson is a pioneering American entrepreneur and venture capitalist, who founded Kernel in 2016 to develop innovative non-invasive neuroimaging technology. Johnson’s impressive career is marked by numerous achievements, but he’s perhaps most notable for his ambitious quest to reverse aging.

Bryan Johnson's Project Blueprint
Credit: Netflix

His audacious goal has sparked both fascination and debate, raising fundamental questions about human longevity and the human experience. This brings us to Netflix’s latest documentary – Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants To Live Forever, and on most occasions, it is as interesting as it sounds.

This guy is in his own f*cking world, it’s not reality,” is just one of the many things that have been said about Johnson and his using his own body as a science experiment to reverse aging.

We have to warn you, that while this documentary isn’t blood, gore, and true crime, it can still be a dizzying experience as you witness a man’s relentless attempt to live forever and go against the law of nature.

Don't Die: The Man Who Wants To Live Forever
Credit: Netflix

Through “Project Blueprint,” Johnson has embarked on an extraordinary and costly experiment, using himself as a human test subject in his quest to reverse aging.

This radical endeavor has led him to overhaul his lifestyle and invest millions of dollars, sparking intense global debates on social media. Regardless of whether you admire, criticize, or question his sanity, Johnson’s audacious pursuit is undeniably captivating.

Watching Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants To Live Forever at the start of the new year was a truly unique experience. This documentary will likely leave you pondering one of two things: questioning the choices you’ve made so far in life, or wondering if Johnson’s unconventional approach could potentially benefit humanity as a whole someday.

Project Blueprint
Credit: Netflix


Bryan Johnson’s work has inspired several people across the world, while others wonder if this is just a waste of money and resources. Nevertheless, this documentary gives a detailed glimpse into Johnson’s work, and if you’re even a little intrigued, we recommend adding it to your watchlist!

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