Last week, Apple TV+ welcomed Midnight Family, a unique family dramedy with a two-episode premiere, where we were introduced to Marigaby Tamayo and her family. Marigaby’s struggles were one-of-a-kind as we saw her take on several responsibilities whilst being a second-year medical student.
In addition to her struggles, the Tamayo family members have their own share of troubles as they take care of their side hustles which involve saving lives. More of that has been explored in Midnight Family Episode 3 as the narrative moves forward, stick around to read our review of it!
Marcus and Marigaby Save the Day!
Midnight Family Episode 3 is off to a somber start with Marcus driving the ambulance and Marigaby next to him as the two have a conversation until Marcus reveals that his girlfriend is pregnant. Both of them discuss how they don’t to lead the lives their parents did but before they can continue talking, there’s an unexpected earthquake, which also serves as the backdrop of the episode.
There’s plenty of destruction all across Mexico City and while Marigaby and Marcus steady themselves, Ramon and Julio are at the hospital, shaken up but safe. As much as Ramon wants to leave the hospital, as per the doctor’s instructions, he isn’t allowed to do so. This means Marigaby and Marcus must hold the fort down, and save as many people as they can.
Davastation and hurt is present in every episode of Midnight Family, but it comes in different shapes and sizes. It is safe to say that this time, it’s hit bigger than ever, making it a difficult yet intriguing watch. There’s blood and far too many injured people than Marcus and Marigaby are used to, but they’re quick on their feet, showing just how advanced their skills are.
As the episode moves forward, Marigaby’s friend, Bernardo also joins the pair, helping them rescue those who are trapped. This installment of the series will have you clutching a pillow or biting your nails because of the desperation and urgency that lingers, and along with that, you will also admire how smoothly the narrative flows.
After the two-episode premiere last week which was loved by fans and critics, Episode 3 only further cements Midnight Family‘s intention of not only being an entertaining family drama but to tackle serious issues with delicate care. This episode was most certainly the biggest tear-jerker so far, and we recommend bracing yourself for what lies ahead!
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With series like Bad Monkey concluding next week, we’re grateful to have Midnight Family to keep us occupied on Wednesdays! Do let us know in the comments what you think about Episode 3.